Here is a picture of the fire, we are so lucky that we are unscathed, but our thoughts are with the many research groups who are affected and have lost so much research and equipment
The Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility is unaffected by the fire in the main BMS building. The facility is in the adjacent annexe which was thankfully undamaged. The facility is open and operational. Deliveries to the BMS building are being diverted to the adjacent Chemistry building. Please label your package clearly to:
BSRC Mass Spectrometry Facility
Biomolecular Sciences Building
C/O Purdie Chemistry Stores
University of St Andrews
North Haugh
St Andrews
KY16 9ST
Please also email us (ss101, sas28, cb2) to let us know that to expect a delivery so we can search for it if it does go astray.