New Xevo G2 ToF for intact mass measurement is installed
Our new mass spectrometer for intact mass measurement is now operational. We can now offer intact mass analysis with increased sensitivity and efficiency.
Our new mass spectrometer for intact mass measurement is now operational. We can now offer intact mass analysis with increased sensitivity and efficiency.
On the 17th April we will retiring the LCT mass spectrometer after many years of faithful service. This is the instrument that we use to measure the intact mass of proteins. However on the 29th April we are getting a new Xevo G2 Tof to carry out this analysis. It will take a week to…
Here is a picture of the fire, we are so lucky that we are unscathed, but our thoughts are with the many research groups who are affected and have lost so much research and equipment The Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility is unaffected by the fire in the main BMS building. The facility is in…
The University and the Mass Spectrometry facility is open until Friday 21st December. We will be analysing samples right up until then, although protein identification samples will need to be received on the Thursday to allow time for overnight digestions. We will reopen on Thursday 3rd January. Due to staff holidays/part time working there will…
Long term facility collaborator Dr Heidi Fuller of Keele University & RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital, has recently secured funding from Great Ormand Street Hospital. In collaboration with the BSRC mass spectrometry facility, this project ‘Therapy development for children with motor neuron disease’ will utilise SWATH to identify proteins involved in Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and ultimately identify…
Both Proteomics Methods Forum in Manchester, and the British Mass Spectrometry Society conference in Cambridge were interesting, vibrant meetings this year. BMSS was full of interesting talks and there were lots of opportunies to talk to vendors and discuss our upcoming mass spec needs. PMF was it’s usual mix of talks and dicussions with the…
We are a busy service and we often receive multiple packages of samples in a day from external users and collaborators. A sample submission form included with the samples delivery is vital for us to be able to coordinate the samples received with the user and the analysis required. Clearly labelled tubes, with name and…
Having reviewed our incoming and outgoings we have concluded that we are going to have to increase the mass spec charges for the BSRC mass spec and proteomics facility. We haven’t increased charges since 2011, and in some cases 2007. The new charges are here: pricing 2018_1 If you have any quearies about the new…
Sally recently attended a very interesting meeting/mini conference, the proteomics methods forum (PMF) . This year it was in Oxford, and hosted by Dr Roman Fischer. It was a great meeting, with many interesting talks which included both the highs and lows of working with proteomics and mass spectrometers. The meeting focuses on having…
Sabine’s contract finished at Christmas and she is moving onto pastures new. She made a huge contribution to the facility whilst she was here and will be missed.